Monday, June 11, 2012

Highlights Of The Week

-Gideon is finally feeling better! It was five weeks, which, is too long to have a cold.
-He really rolls over, although, Abe hasn't seen it. Tummy to back. 
-He grabs and hold things, like toys.
-He drools like crazy, I don't know if that's a milestone but, he really drool quite a lot!

-Scarlett is very interested in tennis and pretends to play it. She also say 'almost' after she hits the ball.
-Anything that happened in the past is called 'yesterday' 
Some things she has said this week:
-'did you make this mommy? mmmmm delicious!'

Q: 'Do you know what Mommy does for work besides being a Mom?'
A: 'Mommy? Goes to yoga?'

-We were 'napping' the other day and she was touching my nose saying in a very quiet whisper 'Mommy, please wake up!'

We were at a street festival Sunday and there were two people dressed up like Mickey & Minnie Mouse (seriously creepy), she lost it. She was terrified! We calmed her down by explaining that it was just a guy in a costume. While she was 'in it' she was holding her ears, which, oddly enough is something I do when I get really scared. 
Later in the day she said:
'Mickey Moue makes me crazy!...and sad' 

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