Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Highlights of The Week (2 Weeks)

Scarlett says the darndest funniest things:
Ipsy ipsy spider lived by the sea
Ipsy ipsy spider climbed up the water spout
down came the rain and washed the spider out
down came the sun and dries up the rain that the 
Ipsy ipsy spider clims up the spout again. 

'I hear a jaguar
It lookalike a jaguar but, it's a song'

Stroe-ggr= stroller
'A little bit'
'I guess'
'Not quite yet...'
'You can't!'

She is experimenting with fear and 'I'm a-scarred!' 
Legitimate scares:
Illegitimate Fears:
& wait for it...Kittens!
Although this morning as we walked by the window that has all these adorable kittens she said: 'I like kittens!', uh huh.

Playing with daddy's ties:
'time to go to work. I have a lot of workings to do.
I'm back from work! I have to go back to work there is more work to do.
Look I look so handsome, warm and cozy!
Violet is going to work too she is sooo late!
Violet, go in the stogger to get there faster.
I need to take you to work there are lots of sheeps.' 

Scarlett is amazing at helping me with Gideon especially when he is 'a little bit crabby'
She jumps up and down and says 
'Keep laughing baby brother
Laugh baby brother'

Pointing to Trouble's ahem...lady parts
 'Look, it's her penis for pooping!'

I put her bathing suit on her and she said  'oh, are we going to the sea?'

Me:'What do you want to do today?'
Scooch:'I want to go to the bank.!'
Me: 'Huh?'
Scooch: '....and get a lollipop!'

'Scarlett wanna pee on the potty?'
 Sits on potty for a minute and says
 'no pee came out but, I just peed a lot in the tubby'

'Mommy you can eat the rest of my food... But, not the tuna. I'm still eating the tuna.' 


Gideon loves to be sung to. He smiles and laughs and coos.

He is really grabbing and holding on to toys. 

He is talking more and more, if you talk to him in his language he really gets excited and talks back. 

He still doesn't sleep. He is getting his eviction papers from our room soon but, someone (me) isn't ready to let go quite yet...soon.

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