Sunday, April 3, 2011

Scarlett is 51 Weeks!


-She is just beginning to say ‘bye bye’

-When you say, “Where is dada?” she points to Abe and says “Dada”, “Where is Trouble?” she points to Trouble. When you say, “Where is Mama?” she either doesn’t do anything or points to something and says “Dada!”

-Despite not being able to point me out of a line up, she is very cuddly with me. She often comes over to me for hugs and sometimes even kisses. Last night before bed Abe said “Give Mama a kiss” and she reached over and gave me a big kiss!

- She claps on demand & loves patty-cake.

-When you say “Scouty dance” she drops it low. We have been having family dance parties this week, it’s adorable.

-She is obsessed with shoes. When she has one you can say “where is the other shoe?” and she will go get the other shoe in the pair.

-She knows her colors, I think. When We say “find the yellow ball” sure enough she looks around until she finds the yellow ball. So cool!

-She makes a face to make us laugh. She just started yesterday. We will try and get a picture. She makes, what I can only describe as a turtle face then throws her head back so she loses her balance and laughs hysterically.

-She is starting to experiment with running or fast walking

-She is turning 1 in one week’s time. It has gone by so very fast. As Abe said this morning “I still can’t believe we have a kid”. It’s so true. It is such an honor being her parents.

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