Monday, January 14, 2013

As Of Today Scarlett is Diaper Free, YAY!

(except for naps & bedtime)

Little Grown Up, Look How Long Her Hair Is!!!

Good Morning Sweet Scarlett

Good Morning Gideon!

This Is Pizza Pie Too!

Scarlett told her friends at Sidecar that she wanted an orange teddy bear named pizza pie for Christmas. The staff pooled their money together and not only bought her a teddy bear. They designed and had printed a t-shirt and matching onesie for her & pizza pie too! We are so lucky to have so many people in our lives that we love and love us. It also helps that our daughter is a celebrity around town ;)

Gideon? What Are You Doing?

Arg! The Dread Pirate Sc-arh-lett

Big Top Giddy

My Beautiful Girl

Scarlett & Gideon Saying Good Morning To Each Other

Nutbar In Training

Aw, Sweet Boy!



Gideon Loves Turning The Fridge Light On & Off

Kooks In A Crib

A couple Oldy But Goodies from Christmas