Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Scareltt is 33 Weeks!

-She officially waves! Intermittently, and mostly to dogs but, she waves!
-She is cutting THREE teeth and still in a lot of pain her two front teeth and one canine.
-She is such a champ she had a great time at Thanksgiving. She absolutely loves her cousins & she slept like a dream!
-She has a new move where she throws her arms in the air in a V and twists her wrists. We think she is doing 'the bird' or the 'oak tree' or perhaps her take on the Black Power salute?
-Her toys of choice while in DC? A walnut (which you can see in the pictures above) and a roll of tape, it's the simple things.

Thanksgiving Pics

Sweet Lil Family

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moving Maniac

This is where I found Scarlett this afternoon. She had pulled that Boppy out of the toy box used it like some sort of conveyance pulled/crawled over to the little stool where she pulled and pushed on it and tried to pull herself up to stand. It eventually fell on her, she brushed herself off (no tears) and started all over again.

Scarlett is 32 Weeks!

-Scarlett has taken to jutting out her lower jaw and 'baring' her bottom teeth. It's a little scary, and not nearly as cute as snorty piggy face. it's really cute, however, to see her figuring out her face and that she can pull it this way and that.
-She is cutting a tooth on the upper level, we think because of the placement, it's a canine. She has taken to flipping her tongue to the side and feeling where it's coming in. Tongue flipping is something Abe can do but I can't. There's some Abe in her yet!
-She's teething so she has had a bit of a rough one these past couple days.
-She is a whirling dervish which makes it very hard to photograph!

Tubby Time!

So Cute But Not Always The Most Photogenic

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scarlett is 31 Weeks!

Highlights of the Week:
-She is officially a crawling maniac/daredevil.
-All she wants to do is crawl to something and pull herself up to stand.
-Can sit up by herself in the tub and LOVES to splash herself and us.
-She loves to swing on the swings at the playground.

Scout Swings!

Trouble & Scarlett: An Epic Story Of Love

Random Cuteness

Crawling Machine

Seven Month Photos

Anything But Toys

The little lady wants to play with anything except toys. She is obsessed with my shoes (she comes by it honestly). She went into our closet and pulled out my shoes one by one and placed them in a line to then play with them.
